Our Parish
Saint John's has various activities for members of our local community.
We also welcome local schools to visit us, and find out more about Christianity.
Once a month our friendship team goes door-to-door to make friends in our local area.

Local Gospel Partnerships
We work with Christians in our local area, including Christ Church Leyton and Walthamstow Central Baptist Church.
We are part of the the North East London "A Passion for Life" group of churches. These seven churches work together to run special events, youth meet-ups, and an annual children's holiday club in February half-term.
We also support other local Christian organisations, including The Forest Churches Emergency Night Shelter and Millgrove.

Regional Partnerships
We work with networks of Christians in Essex and East London.
The London Gospel Partnership trains churches to share Jesus with Londoners.
ReNew Chelmsford works to pioneer, establish and secure healthy local Anglican churches.
Chelmsford Diocese Evangelical Network supports evangelical churches in the Chelmsford Diocese of the Church of England.
The Essex and East London Good Stewards Trust helps us to ensure that our financial gifts are used for gospel ministry.

National Networks
We partner with organisations committed to sharing Jesus in England. These include Church Society, who work within the Church of England, and Anglican Mission in England, which supports Anglican ministry outside the Church of England. Saint John's is a ReNew Church, supporting the ReNew agenda.
We receive "alternative episcopal oversight" from the Bishop of Ebbsfleet. Saint John's Church Council has passed a resolution under the House of Bishop’s Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests, in order to reflect its convictions on the positive complementary ministries of men and women.

Global Connections
The good news of Jesus is for all nations. Saint John's mission partners include Graeme and Bequi Innes in Moldova, and Adrian Bruce in South Africa. We partner with them financially, in prayer, and though visits.
We also work with GAFCON, who promote faithful Anglican ministry globally.

We support Oak Hill Theological College as they provide training for evangelical gospel ministry in the UK and beyond. We support them financially and in prayer. We also often welcome placement students on training.
Our staff members receive ongoing training, including from the Cornhill Training Course, and Crosslands.
Members of Saint John's church family attend The Training Ground, helping them to grasp God's word and share it more clearly.